Agency CNA Chile | 2 años | november 2018 to november 2021
General aim
• To train autonomous academics and researchers who are able to generate psychological knowledge with high standards of methodological rigorousness in one of the program's three lines of research.
Specific aims
• To train psychology researchers who are able to formulate research projects, implement them, and disseminate their results.
• To train academics capable of identifying the social, historical, and cultural nature of psychological phenomena.
• To train competent academics in the field of high-quality university education.
The university reserves the right not to offer the Program if the minimum number of enrollees is not reached. In such a case, enrollees will be reimbursed for the full amount of the registration fee and/or monthly payments within approximately 10 working days.
Entry requirements Ideal candidates include those with undergraduate or postgraduate psychology training and who are interested in joining one of the Program's lines of research. In addition, applicants must document their prior academic experience, such as involvement in research projects, publications, and/or teaching activities.
In order to meet the Program's requirements, applicants must demonstrate experience in basic research methodology, English reading comprehension, and the ability to devote 40 hours per week to the Program.
The Program is composed of 8 semesters taking place over 4 years and divided into 5 areas: Methodological (30 credits), Thematic (22 credits), Thesis Work (115 credits), Academic Competences (29 credits), and University
Education (14 credits). In addition, examinations take place during semesters IV, VI, and VIII: Candidacy, Progress, and Thesis Examinations respectively.
Each module is graded on a scale from 1.0 to 7.0, according to Universidad Alberto Hurtado's Postgraduate Program Regulations. The passing grade for all modules is 4.0.
Monday to Friday: within the usual hours of the university
Selection process
The selection process involves two stages. The first stage (preselection) will be based on a review of the applicants' documentation. Preselected applicants will move on to a second stage: a personal interview for assessing the degree of alignment between their application and what the program offers in academic terms.
The selection process will be conducted by an Admission Committee that will be defined each year and will be made up by three people: the Director of the Program, a UAH academic, and an academic collaborator. Interviews will be conducted by two of the three members of the Admission Committee, according to a predefined model. Applicants' documentation and interviews will be assessed using a rubric (included in appendix 2). After being selected, applicants will be asked to sign a sworn statement expressing their ability to meet the Program's time availability requirements.
Admission Requirements
In order to apply for a position in the Doctoral Program, it is necessary to:
A. Hold a Bachelor's Degree and/or a Master's Degree in Psychology. In exceptional cases, holders of academic degrees in Social Sciences and other like areas who have received training in Psychology will be permitted to apply. These applicants will be required to take a relevant knowledge examination over the course of the program which will focus on the human life cycle and social psychology, two of the conceptual cornerstones of the Program's lines of research.
B. Applicants must submit the following documentation:
• Admission Request (form)
• Original certificates of academic qualifications or notary-certified photocopies. Foreign applicants must provide copies of their certificates legalized at the Chilean consul te of their country of origin.
• Bachelor's and Master's Degree grade transcript and ranking certificate, if applicable. Foreign applicants must provide grade transcripts legalized at the Chilean consulate of their country of origin. These certificates must clearly specify the scale used, the minimum passing grade, and their equivalence with the Chilean scale.
• Two confidential recommendation letters. Ideally, these letters must be signed by holders of a PhD and submitted directly by them.
• Letter (addressed to the Director of the Program) expressing and detailing the applicant's purposes and academic aims with respect to the Doctoral Program and future career goals
• An essay presenting a research proposal to be conducted as part of the Doctoral Program.
• Sample of academic writing (article, university essay, or another similar document).
• Curriculum Vitae (in accordance with the format for Doctoral Program applicants).
• Photocopy of National Identity Card or Passport.
• Certificate of proficiency in English showing that the applicant is at least able to read articles, books, and documents and access international databases (ALTE 2 or equivalent).
Valores 2022
Arancel Total: $12.000.000
Matrícula : $150.000
Psychologist, Bachelor's Degree in Psychology, Universidad Alberto Hurtado. PhD in Sociology, Universidad Alberto Hurtado. Academic, Faculty of Psychology, UAH. Research interests: subjectivation processes, governmentality, overweight.
Doctora en Sociología EHESS. Magíster en Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Chile. Master en Sciences Sociales, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS). Trabajadora Social y Licenciatura en Trabajo Social, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (PUC). Académica del Departamento de Gestión y Políticas Públicas de la Facultad de Administración y Economía, USACH. Investiga sobre políticas sociales y prácticas de gestión de la vulnerabilidad, análisis críticos de la diversidad e inclusión (género, raza, clase, capacidad, edad, etc.), intervención social.
Bachelor's Degree in Psychology, Universidad de Chile. PhD in Psychotherapy, Universidad de Chile, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, and Heidelberg University. Director, Master's Degree in Relational Treatment of Children and Their Parents, UAH. Research interests: early childhood development and early bonding.
Licenciada en Psicología y Psicóloga, Universidad de Chile. Magíster en Salud Pública, Universidad de Chile. Especializada en Conducta de Salud y Promoción de la Salud (Health Behavior and Health Promotion), Escuela de Salud Pública de la Ohio State University, EE.UU. DEA en Psicología Social, Universidad del País Vasco, España. Doctora en Psicología Universidad del País Vasco, España.
Psychologist, Universidad Gabriela Mistral. Master's Degree in Psychotherapy, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. PhD in Psychotherapy, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Universidad de Chile, and Heidelberg University. Postdoctoral Degree in Depression and Psychotherapy, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Adjunct Researcher, Millennium Institute for Depression and Personality Research. Associate Researcher, Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Academic, Faculty of Psychology, UAH. Line of research: Social interactions, learning, and psychological change.
Information and applications
María Angélica Pérez
Academic Coordinator
(562) 8897739