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Doctoral Program in Psychology

Agency CNA Chile | 2 años | november 2018 to november 2021

Doctoral Program in Psychology

Solicita Información

Aims of the Program

General aim
• To train autonomous academics and researchers who are able to generate psychological knowledge with high standards of methodological rigorousness in one of the program's three lines of research.

Specific aims
• To train psychology researchers who are able to formulate research projects, implement them, and disseminate their results.
• To train academics capable of identifying the social, historical, and cultural nature of psychological phenomena.
• To train competent academics in the field of high-quality university education.


1 August a 15 october 2021


Descargar Brochure

Malla Curricular



Information and applications
María Angélica Pérez
Academic Coordinator
(562) 8897739

Admisión 2025
Llámanos a: +56 2 26920200
Escríbenos a: postgrados@uahurtado.cl
Visítanos en: Avda. Bernardo O´Higgins 1825 Metro Los Héroes. Santiago de Chile